Several Reasons Airport Security Should Be Enhanced

By Linda Anderson

Unlike in the past when the airport was meant for the passengers and other concerned parties, these days it has become a place for many people with hidden agendas. There are all the kinds of criminals in this place with all their bad motives. There are bombers whose aim is massacre people, while others are after robbing people of their hard-earned pennies. This has called for so much enhancing of the airport security with an attempt to restore sanity and utter safety in this place. More of the reasons why this public place needs to be checked more are given.

In this time and age, most people depend on air as a means of transport. This has become the order of the day even within the country. The terrorists have realized this and are after petrifying the innocent citizens. To their target, the employees in the airlines are also quite many, and this motivates their desire to cause attacks at the airports. This is an ever-busy place where people work around the clock due to the incoming and outgoing of people from port to port.

Again, the safety should be beefed up considering that it has become very prone to attacks. Once the defense officers have realized that some particular place is prone to attacks, they should tighten the security. You realize you cannot cow away and withdraw from these public facilities as they are very crucial. The way to go is to ensure that the safety is checked 24/7.

Technology has both its advantages and the disadvantages. This is because the terrorists use the same technology in planning their game. They do not have to appear on the scene of attack physically, but they use technology to set up the attack intended. The good news is that you can use the same technology to detect their plan before it succeeds. This could be through the use of CCTV cameras which is part of technology.

For the thugs, they are aware of the busyness of this area. Again, one thing they are almost sure about is the all the passengers have money as well as other valuable goods with them. It gives them a loophole to make an attack and steal such priceless property.

Apart from those aiming at stealing, there are the drug and human traffickers. These are things that have always happened. There are those whose work is to peddle drugs and sell them in other countries. This is the only place where they can be caught up with. For this reason, the officers should always be spread throughout the entire airport.

While at the airport, you never have the guarantee that all is well. The reason is that you could be seated right adjacent to someone whose motive is to terrify others for no self-gain either. The complacent living is not even something you should think about here, although, with the enhanced protection, safety will be restored.

The innocent passengers need not be ignorant about this either. If the defense officers order you to do something, you had better comply. This is normally done for the good of every individual. Now that they cannot easily tell who is a criminal, they have to monitor all people closely.

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