Business Process Improvement Phoenix Goes Back To The Basics

By Martha Sullivan

Improving how a business operates is seen to many as a difficult, long winded and tiresome task. Others see it as a chance to stop, stand back and make some changes to their process in a very practical and immediate way. Many business process improvements are simple, low cost and don't need to be intertwined with an overall 'lean manufacturing' program. This article takes you through business process improvement Phoenix by focusing on the opportunity before you to implement low cost / no cost simple ideas by simply taking a 'time out' from your day-to-day busy-ness.

Today, organizations live and die based on the adaptiveness and strength of their processes, as compared to that of their competitors. But does it imply that the methodologies and tools used (Six Sigma, Lean, BPM) are not good and should be replaced with something new? I think not. The methodologies and tools can certainly be improved and expanded, but they are proven to work

Customer needs is another factor that must be a focal point. The ever-evolving needs of a customer must be met so that a business can continue to run. Customers are the life-blood of any venture so their feedback and opinion and must be appreciated and honored. Obtaining valuable information from your customers can greatly aid the improvement of your company's service.

BPI also emphasizes measurable results in your company. Having company statistics can help you keep track of the things that need to improve and things that need to be maintained. The numbers do not lie; so you better take advantage of them.

BPI works by deciding what the organization's goals and purposes are. This basically means that the company decides who they are, what it is they do and why they want to do it. They must also determine whom their customer base is and how that customer base might change over time. After gathering the information, the company makes a strategic plan to meet its venture goals. The methodology is used to implement radical change rather than gradual changes over time and employs many principles of project management.

If you aren't sure of what you need to discuss then create a rota of topics and use that as a stimulation tool to create a focus that will serve your discussions. Many people who participate in continuous improvement conversations are unsure of why they are there and don't engage fully. Having a focus is one way around this and obviously can improve the results you can generate.

If a company is on the verge of bankruptcy or otherwise not doing as well as it needs to be, BPI is a quicker method to get things back on track as long as the right team is put together to be sure that tasks are done as they should be.

Find some people who have different perspectives and share your ideas. If you are looking for a rule of thumb to decide if your time outs are working then use this; the benefits you actually realize in your venture need to outweigh the cost of running the meetings. In most ventures this is very easy to achieve, so why don't you plan your first 'time out' today?

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