Drawbacks And Gains Of Drone Based Aerial Mapping Tennessee

By Debra Jackson

In this current age and time, land surveys have become a much easier process because of the availability of drones. These machines are used to collect mapping information by means of images and videos. Unlike the past methods where they employed ground survey, this is done from an aerial view. Nevertheless, they still have a number of drawbacks that come with the use of both whines and land surveying methods. Therefore, you have to look through both to settle on what you think is best for accurate results. This article covers the drawbacks and gains of Drone based aerial mapping Tennessee.

Among the benefits that come with the use of the latter is the coverage of locations or rather areas that cannot be accessed by foot. Such areas include lands covered by forests and those covered by water. Use of this technology goes a long way to expose and bring to light areas that are not yet identified in the map of a specific region.

Moreover, the use of this technology in the city Tennessee, proves to be much more cost effective especially for donors as compared to the use of other remote sensing machines. More so, it is easy to use and operate and in turn reducing the cost of training. Note that it is not only cost effective but also very reliable.

While this technique is specifically meant for collection of surveying data, it can also be used in the assessment and detection of oil spills, fires and even illegal mining. This aspect make the use of such technology not only efficient in

Despite the fact that this technology comes with its benefits, it is literal to say that it comes with disadvantages too. Since some communities are conservatives, they may not want their land to be surveyed by drones since they consider it as an act of intrusion of privacy. The end results may be rise of conflict between the surveying organization and the community in question.

Another detriment that comes with the use of this kind of technology is cost ineffective. The involved personnel must be trained adequately on how to use the buzzes and also how to troubleshoot mechanical problems that may arise. Moreover, whines are also a bit expensive to be afforded by all the donor organizations.

When it comes to covering extensively large areas, the use of this technology may prove to be unreliable. Drones can only cover up to only a limited area as compared to ground survey which has the ability to cover a very large area even though it takes more time. Furthermore, these machines are not designed to monitor some aspects such as soil carbon.

By comparing the image quality produced by satellite to those produced by whines, you realize drones give images with very high resolution. This is another advantage that comes with the use of this kind of technology.

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