All About Bail Bonds In North Carolina

By Carol Wallace

A bail is an agreement between the defendant and the court to pay a certain amount of money to get released from jail while awaiting the hearing. The defendant is required to appear at all the set court hearing dates lest be arrested and bond money forfeited. Securing the best bail bonds in North Carolina is an uphill battle but with the right information, you can make an informed decision.

Bailing out a person is like securing a loan where a small interest is charged up front as bondsman service fee for your release. The most crucial part of this process is to follow all the guidelines provided like attending court hearings. To make sure that you understand the situation, a bondsman will need collateral for your bond money in form of own property to cover the financial risk that comes with the violation of the agreement.

Once you are in the custody of the police, they will record all your details and keep your belonging safely before booking you in a jail cell. However, you have the right to a phone call and you want to use that wisely by calling your attorney. While in police custody, a court session must be scheduled within 48 hours where the bail amount will be determined.

For the bail money to be determined, the judge must hear the case and make a ruling. Issues such as past convictions, family relations, and employment status are highly regarded. Regardless of these factors, a reasonable measure has been put in place to cover offenses that do not require a court hearing.

The money set for your release may be too high so seeking the help of bondsman is a good move. While bondsmen charge a fee for their services, it is worth searching for affordable agents since you cannot recover the money. When you find the most suitable agent, ask for any hidden fees before signing anything.

When you fail to raise the money, you can contact a bonds agent and provide all the information. After paying the bond premium and any collateral is signed over, the bondsman will post the bond in person or do it electronically. Once all that is done, you will be released from jail within a few hours.

Once you are released from jail, there are certain obligations that you must live by until the case is over. For one, you must attend all the scheduled court hearings and meet any other requirement set by the bondsman. Failure to abide by the set requirements will land you back in jail and the bond nullified.

While bond money can be so high, managing it can be easy only backing it. You can get a bond from an insurance company issue of surety, immigration office bond or a cite out by a law enforcement officer.Regardless of the type of bond, you are sure the bondsman will be refunded in the event you are freed or convicted.

An agent with a good track record is ideal when hiring one. So, you want to get informed about a certain bondsman's fee, requirements, and any relevant information before getting into an agreement. If you find yourself in a cell without any contacts to professional service, the police can always provide information if your ask.

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