A New Way To Think About Ice Fishing Houses

By Donna Fox

Man caves have probably been a thing since the time that men actually lived in caves. The idea is that a man needs a private space to do manly things, sometimes with his manly friends. The notion of the man cave is changing, and with that also comes a different way to plan and use ice fishing houses.

Trying to catch fish has been a traditionally male pastime, although plenty of women and girls are getting into the sport. In the extreme climates of Canada, Alaska, and Russia, catching a fish requires that men are protected from the elements. When a human body can freeze in mere minutes, none of us are inclined to spend even an hour without proper shelter.

The mobile nature of such structures has created an obvious opportunity for those who design recreational vehicles or campers. A pop-up camper is just as light as the old shack, but there is an extraordinary increase in the durability of a camper. Moving a shack does damage to the shack, but a camper is made to be moved and designed to be adequate to the needs of those who use it.

Now the man shack is more than just a shed with no floor, and can provide places for more activities. Now they can have a full kitchen as well as other amenities that function right beside the portal. With a creative approach, there is a lot that can be done to improve on the old angling shack.

As any fan of this sport knows, these shacks can and sometimes do fall into the icy depths. The longer the fisherman sits on the frozen floor, the more of his own body heat can be impacting the stability of the area beneath. So why not have a shack equipped with a tool that gets stabbed through to read the thickness, and maintains a constant watch on the relative thickness versus the weight of the shack.

There are some who actually intend to risk falling through to the depths for certain angling benefits. For these gentlemen, a perfect gift might be a quick and easy tent set up that collapses into a hand-held case containing their gear. They might even take it a step further, and have an enclosure that will float should the worst possible event occur.

A man no longer has to hunch down on a wooden box to sit. A man no longer has to stand and walk in circles to keep warm. Now a man can baby sit his line while reclining in a padded and mildly heated chair, while taking in a sports match fed to a wireless television screen on the wall.

These are just a small taste of the changes now taking place by manufacturers of outdoor merchandise. Some activity-focused pop-up campers are fully equipped to provide comfort and shelter for a whole family. Wives who are tired of being left behind due to the rough camping nature of his trips can now call his bluff, when a mobile man shack is his birthday surprise.

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