Helpful Tips For Rattlesnake Control In Your Homestead

By Gregory Adams

The presence of wild animals in our home compounds can sometimes be normal especially if you live by the country side or near a game reserve. However, in the case that you come across one of the dangerous types a good example being snakes, you should be careful on how you treat them. Rattlesnake Control methods are steps that you need to teach yourself and your family before someone gets hurt.

The most common thing that people do whenever they see this creature is try to grab them or throw things at them. However, it has been discovered that most of these snakes only attack people when they get harassed or bothered. Whenever you see one in your compound, do not be quick to find something to kill it or go near it. The best thing to do is to call animal control as quick as possible before it moves away.

Preventing them from getting into your compound starts with how you take care of your immediate surroundings. If you note that you may be having long grass or bushes at some parts of your home it would be best if you clear them. Keep the door to your garage closed because they tend to hide in places whereby your store equipment and rooms that are less visited. Always keep the area well lit as well.

Take note of the occurrence of pests such as mice as well as rat in your home. Most of the rodent families are a source of food to the snakes therefore they would be attracted to areas that have a larger rodent population. Check on the status of your compound and ensure that it is free from these animals. If they persist, you can always use repellants that will keep them off.

You may note that some of these rodents leave burrows and holes in your compound especially near fences and the house. Do not be surprised to find them taking refuge in these holes and turning them into their habitats. They can also go the extent of staying in cracks on walls or finding their way into doors that are left unclosed. Therefore, it is up to you to ensure that all the holes and cracks are filled and repair all doors.

The next step would be to install a snake-proof fence around your house. If you live in an area whereby there are specific seasons for snakes to come around, you need to be prepared. Look out for companies that can have the installation done for you and ensure that the fence is air-tight such that even the rats cannot cross through.

If you choose to participate in a hiking exercise or even merely taking walks in zones that are prone to the occurrence of these animals, always wear protective gears. Do not go walking in sandals in such places. They are usually good at camouflaging hence the need for you to be alert and prepared with the correct gear for hiking.

At times you may have been told that there are some repellants that keep snakes off from your compound. However, relying on these ointments and sprays have not proven to be successful in most cases. This should therefore lead you to looking for better measures of prevention and always have the wildlife control on speed dial.

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