Ways On How To Counter Human Trafficking

By Edward Stevens

A lot of people might think that trafficking is something that happens to other people. However, this could not be further from the truth, chances are that this is something that could be taking place right under your nose, within your own community. Anyone can be a victim of this modern day slavery. In the same way, anyone can choose to stand up against this practice and counter human trafficking. There are various ways to do this.

Get as much information as you can about the issue. This way, you can familiarize yourself about how something like this happens on a daily basis. You should also understand how people find themselves in such situations. There are different books that have covered this issue. In addition, there are blog articles that talk about different ways that modern slavery happens. By spotting the signs of victims, then you will be able to report any suspicious activities.

One way that people support this practice is by buying products that have been made by companies that exploit people. Therefore, to end this modern slavery, buy products from companies that use ethical means to produce their products. Buy fair trade items. Use online tools to help you identify ethical companies that you can buy from. Also, lobby companies that exploit workers to stop doing it, considering that most of them are large companies that employee thousands of workers.

Support companies that employ people who have survived being trafficked. This allows such people to make a living wage and support themselves and live regular life. It is also a great encouragement for people who find themselves in such situations to know that they can get out of such situations and be able to live a normal life.

Donate money to non profits that fight this practice. Most such non profits do not have the funds to keep going. But, if many people can support such organizations, they can make a great impact in fighting this practice.

Most trafficked people find themselves in this situation as a result of the circumstances that they find themselves in. For instance, they might not have jobs or they might not be educated. In addition, they might not have good and healthy relationships that give them support that they need, therefore they might willingly give themselves up to be trafficked. By providing them with the resources that they need, you greatly minimize chances that cause them to get themselves into this situation.

You can also give your time and effort to supporting this cause by volunteering in organizations that fight this practice. Check your community to find organizations where you can volunteer. By getting involved in the community and volunteering, you will understand the issue well and be in a better position to create impact.

Once you are informed about this practice, let other people know about it too. This creates awareness within the community. For instance, talk to your colleagues, kids and even schools around the area. You can even go as far as setting up clubs in schools that fight against this issue. Engage your political leaders about the issue by writing to them and requesting them to include this issue to be part of their work.

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