Cat Videos Apparently That Big A Deal To Man Who Outsourced His Own Job

By Cornelius Nunev

Several things are so preposterous, they can only have occurred in actual life. A software developer has been caught, having outsourced his own job to China, paying a small part of his salary for others to do his work while he checked out Reddit and watched cat movies.

Getting their job outsourced

When a business outsources labor, it usually means they are firing a bunch of workers and paying next-to-nothing for somebody in another country to do the labor. Then, executives make extra money for the change. People who work in hard jobs probably consider outsourcing the labor, but they do not mean it in the same sense.

When people joke about outsourcing their own career, they mean paying an overseas worker next to nothing to do their jobs for them. One man has actually done it, according to the BBC, and this isn't a prank by "The Onion."

One man has paid a Chinese company to do all his software creator work. He outsourced his own job, though his identity is not known.

People want to see movies of cats

Bob, the man who outsourced his own job, was a software developer who works for a business in the United States. It isn't known which one. The company employed Verizon to assess the security of its virtual private network, as it noticed a number of log-ins and PDF files from China, according to NPR.

What they eventually discovered was that Bob, whoever he is, had hired a software consultancy in Shenyang, China, to work on his projects. He was by all accounts, until the discovery, a model employee, one of the very best in the building and holding down a salary of numerous hundred thousand dollars per year. "His" work was timely and of high-quality.

An RSA token was used and shipped to China, according to PC Magazine. While at work, he was really looking at kitty video clips on YouTube, surfing the internet and getting things online. While at his desk, the Chinese contractors were logged in.

Was doing it for months

Bob reportedly outsourced his own career from numerous companies. Though he was pulling down hundreds of thousands, it was costing him about $50,000 per year to cover the work, amounting to less than 20 percent of his annual salary, according to the BBC. Granted, now he might need some loans to get by if he's blown all his earnings on eBay goodies.

Bob was fired, certainly.

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