Joseph Piacentile & The Topic Of Retail Fraud

By Bob Oliver

Even if a store prides itself on being secure, there is still the risk of merchandise being taken from the floor. Retail fraud is a serious case, to say the least, and the fact that it can hit virtually any establishment cannot be disputed. With that said, though, others may not know about the extent of this form of fraud; this is where information from Joseph Piacentile can come into effect. Before long, you'll have a better understanding of what this case is all about.

Also known simply as "shoplifting," retail fraud occurs when merchandise is taken from the store without being paid for. Even though simple items like food and cosmetics can be taken, more costly electronics can also fall into this category. One of the reasons this form of fraud occurs is due to security reasons, and how it might not be up to snuff. When the security in question is weak, the risk of products being stolen increases that much more.

What happens as a result of retail fraud, you may wonder? According to Joseph Piacentile, workers tend to feel the impact the most. Some of them have their hours cut, resulting in less money being made. Others might have to take pay cuts, in order to make up for the costs of merchandise being taken without payment. What this means is that a greater level of security is required, which is what I'd like to discuss next.

If you'd like to know how to prevent retail fraud, it's important to be mindful of suspicious activity. Body language plays a big part in this, as many people tend to act differently when they are in the process of shoplifting. Security guards can also play a role in this, being trained in order to complete their work more effectively. When these actions are carried out, names such as Joe Piacentile can tell you that merchandise stands a lesser chance of being stolen, resulting in more profits to boot.

In order for retailers to reduce their risk of fraud, details like the ones covered earlier should be taken into account. Without question, fraud is a serious situation and it's made even more serious when considering that anyone can become a victim of it. For this reason, security should be kept at a high level. If this is done, not only will your knowledge of this matter become stronger but you can pass it along to other people as well.

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