An Article On Hazardous Waste Disposal Edmonton

By Michael Collins

By definition, this is any type of waste known to potentially pose a threat to public health or the environment at large. This waste is usually corrosive, reactive or toxic in nature. Examples of the includes; asbestos, batteries, oil, pesticides and other types of chemicals. There are proper ways of disposal and in relation to this; the following is an article on hazardous waste disposal Edmonton.

This type of waste can be in different states of matter such as liquid, solid or gaseous. The disposal is not like that of getting rid of other common types of waste. A lot of caution has to be taken to see to it that the associated dangers are kept at a low. Depending on the physical state, treatment and solidification may be required.

The use of landfills for waste disposal is one of the most common methods. However, there have been raised concerns over the years on how this waste makes its way to the underground water sources leading to their contamination. To avoid this, it is important to treat waste before disposal and depending on its state, solidification may be required.

Recycling is also another option which has been very effective in eradication of such waste as it is known to be cost effective and can be practiced by anyone. This means that the hazardous waste product is used to make other useful items other than throwing them away. Examples of commodities which can be recycled include lead acid batteries and various types of metals.

In addition to the above, incineration is also quite effective. This involves burning of the hazardous waste in very high temperatures in devices known as incinerators. The down set of this method however is that toxic fumes are released into the atmosphere which can affect people's health. To counter this, modern incinerators have been modified such that they can reduce the amount or released gases to the atmosphere.

Pyrolisis is another important mode of disposal which has been known to be effective and has been put into practice for years now. It is usually a thermo chemical process which ensures that there is decomposition of organic matter. This is done in the absence of oxygen and halogens. It is preferred to incineration when it comes to getting rid of waste such as concentrated organic compounds and pesticides.

In addition to the above, individuals should try to use less hazardous products. Instead of figuring out ways on how to dispose of hazardous waste, they should find out how they can prevent their use. This includes substituting harmful materials for non-hazardous ones, reconsidering manufacturing and processing options among others.

To sum up the above, proper disposal ensures that waste workers are not exposed to the risk of inhaling toxic fumes and the chances of explosions or fires are kept at a low. It is important for public awareness to be created in a bid to teach individuals on the right ways of disposal so as to take care of both their well being and that of the environment.

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