Facts About Hazardous Waste Disposal

By Michelle Hamilton

Different kinds of wastes are being produced in households, industries, and commercial workplaces in large amounts. Hazardous wastes are among the wastes being produced. These wastes are referred to by that named because they are a threat to public health and the surroundings. In most developed states, hazardous waste disposal gets regulated by government agencies under very strict laws.

In the United States, how hazardous wastes are handled is regulated by the RCRA. The RCRA Act categorizes these wastes into two broad categories, that is, characteristic and listed wastes. All kinds of wastes that have passed the test of possessing the traits of ignitability, toxicity, corrosivity, and reactivity are classified under the characteristic category. Those that fall under the listed category are those that regulatory authorities have listed as hazardous. They may be coming from discarded chemical products, specific sources, or non-specific sources.

The production of hazardous wastes occurs in both industrial as well as domestic settings. Although so, the amounts contributed by industrial sources by far outweigh those of domestic applications. Various domestic products contain hazardous wastes in different forms. Some of the products include paints and solvents, aerosols, ammunition, electronics, caustics, pesticides, refrigerant, radioactive wastes, and automotive wastes among many others.

Historically, most wastes of this nature were destined for landfills. However, that changed with the discovery that the materials used to be leaked to water reservoirs under the ground. From the reservoirs, the materials would find a way into natural hydrologic systems. This problem had to be stopped, which necessitated the development of counter measures. One way was to install the sides and bases of landfills with barriers. The barriers stopped materials from seeping underground.

In addition to installing a foundation, most wastes are currently being stabilized and solidified before they can be disposed into landfills. Stabilization and solidification is often done using cement. Cement is chosen because it can be used for the treatment of a wide range of wastes. It improves the physical characteristics of the material and decreases its toxicity as well as transmission of contaminants.

Flammable materials are recycled once they expire. For instance, recycling is done to most flammable materials where they act as industrial fuels. In addition, electronic circuit boards and lead-acid batteries get recycled in developed states on massive scales. Ash produced from the combustion of certain products gets used to fill pavements.

Another method that is used widely to dispose wastes is incineration. The method is suitable for almost all forms of wastes. Although safe, fast, efficient, and convenient, the financial commitment required at first is very high. This makes it expensive. Large companies involved in production of large amounts of wastes own incineration chambers. Efficiency in modern-day incinerators is very high and they are relatively cheaper to maintain.

Incineration involves burning substances in a chamber. The chamber is operated at high temperatures and usually reduces the substance fed into it to ash. The amount of time it takes for the combustion to complete depends on the type of substance.

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