For Lawyers In Uncontested Divorce Chicago Is The Way To Go

By Daniel Stone

Divorce has become an issue of major concern in the United States as thousands of people go through it every year. At the moment, the rate is highest in the whole of history. As a result, divorce has become a special branch in the law profession as hundreds of lawyers specialize in it. Lawyers who specialize in this area serve clients to ensure that they attain their demands or at least get the best deal during the divorce process.

Various criteria can be used to classify divorces. One criterion bases on the agreement between partners. Partners who are not in agreement regarding various issues in the marriage often go to court to have them resolved. These kinds of divorces are called contested divorces. On the contrary, if couples are in agreement on various issues that they do not need the courts to resolve them, these divorces are called uncontested divorces. To understand more concerning uncontested divorce Chicago is a great location to consider visiting.

Uncontested divorces are peaceful and couples end their marriage in a dignified manner. The two partners agree on various matters such as property division, custody of children, payment of child and/or spousal support, and division of debt. The agreement between the two partners on how to divide their property eliminates the need for lengthy court proceedings. No trial is needed to resolve the issues.

There are two situations in which a non-contested divorce can take place. The second situation besides the couple agreeing on everything is when one partner does not show up for the marriage dissolution action in court. That way, all the demand of the partner who appeared are granted by the court. This happens unless if the absent party has a reason that the court may consider worthwhile for being absent.

The low cost involved in non-contested marriage dissolution is one of its major advantages. Couples that agree on how the whole process should go down stand a better chance of controlling how they spend their money in the process. Huge savings in attorney fees are made if people agree on how they should resolve the issue. For couples that have a lot of assets and other things to divide, the attorney fees can be very huge.

Expenses incurred on paying for attorneys can also be very huge depending on the level of disagreement between the partners. If the disagreements are only minor or on a few issues, the couple may be advised to negotiate and settle on agreeable terms for both of them. However, if the disagreements are huge, the whole process is slowed down and as that happens, a lot of money has to be spent on attorneys.

In some cases, an attorney may still need to be hired even if the marriage dissolution is not contested. In such a case, the attorney only represents one of the partners. It is illegal and unethical for a single attorney to represent both partners. As such, the attorney will seek clarification on who they are representing at the onset of the case.

Some people choose to represent themselves in proceedings of non-contested divorces. Although this is allowed, it is not advisable. Attorneys have more experience in divorces and they can maneuver some legal obstacles with ease, unlike someone who is not experienced.

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