Key Points To Consider When Communicating With Your Colleagues

By Nancy Sullivan

Working in an office with other people can sometimes be frustrating, particularly if there are important discussions where your points are just not getting through to your colleagues. Whether your intended message was delivered orally or through other channels like memos or emails, there needs to be a distinctive clarity to how you communicate in order for others to understand your viewpoints. Check out the details featured below for more handy information.

Your first order of business is gaining a firm understanding of using various communication tools that are utilized inside your offices. Some key examples of this might include the proper handling of Avaya San Diego phones to video conferencing effectively on laptops. Once you have attained such knowledge, you could proceed to use these tools in a more efficient manner.

Body language is a vital component when you talk with others directly, and they can sense your mood or intentions based on how you comport yourself during a conversation. Schooling your features into the right expressions can add several layers of meaning while you speak certain words out loud. Moreover, the presence of eye contact is a must when you want full attention.

Anything delivered in a text based medium can be wrongly interpreted if the message appears rather vague in nature. Never assume anything because this might ultimately lead you to a whole lot of trouble if the result is the complete opposite of what you thought it was going to be. Set aside your doubts and simply ask for elucidation if a message seems confusing to you.

If you are the recipient of a very vague message, it is your responsibility to ask for clarification with the sender. The root of most miscommunications is the fact that people often assume the intentions of a certain memo when it was meant for something else entirely. When in doubt, you should make it a point to approach your colleague to clarify any presence of ambiguity.

Bear in mind that everyone has varying personal beliefs which might cause friction if you deliberately offend their sensibilities during office discussions. Topics ranging from politics to religion are veritable landmines which could land you in hot water if you inadvertently say the wrong things. Master the art of changing the subject smoothly so there will be no major issues.

There is a common saying that the truth hurts, and in some cases, this adage proves to be accurate when unfavorable information is relayed to the receiver. In such cases, you should exercise a degree of tact and sensitivity when delivering cold facts to others without sugarcoating your words. Strike the right balance between being direct and being empathetic.

Listening attentively is encouraged because this prevents any miscommunication from happening in the first place. Nobody likes it when they have to repeat themselves during conversations, so do your part in being alert and present while engaged in a meeting. This also provides you with opportunities to express your reactions in a calm and professional manner.

Conflicts may arise during tense discussions, but such obstacles can be prevented when you know the ways to diffuse problems with communication. Follow the guidelines mentioned here to ensure you achieve the desired results. Above all, learn to be patient and trust that your office mates will follow your lead when it comes to effective communication in the workplace.

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