Tips For Finding Great Freelance Graphic Designers Los Angeles

By Kenneth Cox

It is often challenging to find great talent, especially if you do not have enough knowledge about the specific industry. Nevertheless, finding competent personnel is not simply a matter of talent. It is likely there are several candidates with the right skills for the job, so many other qualifying factors should be in your mind. Here are a few insights to help you identify the right freelance graphic designers Los Angeles.

To begin with, you need a clear understanding of the things you expect. It is a fact that your posting will be clear on what your designer will be tasked with doing. Make sure you convey sufficient information on the areas your company is involved in and the things you would like to see in an ideal candidate. Also be sure to share as much information as you can about deadlines.

It would be extremely beneficial to do some research on the graphic design industry so as to know the skills to look out for. This knowledge will help you easily select the best candidate when looking at proposals. For instance, some projects rely on stock images while others require freelancer to take their own photographs and incorporate them in their work. Your research should also give you clues on the tools used in the job.

One classic tactic that interviewers like to employ when screening candidates is finding out how quick they are at coming up with solutions. Asking unexpected questions will help you in this regard. For instance, you may provide samples of design work and ask your candidates to critique them. This is an easy way to ascertain their creative abilities. Dealing with the unknown is an inherent part of graphic design.

When sizing up potential freelancers, many clients tend to go with portfolios and do not ask any questions thereafter. After looking at portfolios, you should go the extra mile of asking your candidates about what inspired them to do the projects they have done. This will give you some perspective on their thought processes and compatibility for your project.

Providing a simple trial project would be a good idea too. Do not issue a task that is to complex and time consuming. A simple task such as a logo design competition should suffice. In the end, the submissions you get should help you figure out the best candidate from the group. This notwithstanding, you should still have a budget for this.

If you have a large budget for your project, it would be prudent to request a video interview prior to hiring. This will give you the confidence to go forward bearing in mind the amount of money you will be spending. A simple interview over Skype would do. Video interviews are a great way to get a good sense of candidates.

Finally, provide your freelancer with a chance to ask questions prior to hiring him. Allow him to furnish you with his requirements as well. He may require a design concept or even documentation. Provided you reach an agreement upfront, you will enjoy a smooth experience.

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