Planning For A Lavender Farm Traverse City MI

By Donna Patterson

Farming is a well-paying source of employment. It is an easy way to make money for those who are not pissed about by some soil and mud touching activities. You can turn your affection for herbs into a source of income. It all comes by commitment. To start a lavender farm Traverse City MI is one of the main ways. Lavender is a plant valued for its skin care products, herbal pillows, and aromatherapy products. But you do not have to just jump into the farming without considering some vital issues. Below are the main issues to contemplate when planning to start such a farm.

There are various lavender species. You need to know which one does best within the area where your farm is situated. There are English, Spanish, French, spike, and wooly lavender species. All that matter is the general knowledge of which species does best, and in which area. If you are a newbie in the farming sector, consider some guidance from an agriculturalist.

Check on the climate of the areas you are planning to set your farm. Lavender is also called the Mediterranean herb because it does well in hot, sunny and dry climates. You need to consider the environment very wisely. The plant does well in areas that are closely situated next to large water bodies like lakes. In those areas, microclimate is vital for these plants.

In connection with the climate issue, the type of soils comes right by the side. Different food and cash crop do well in different soil types. Lavender plant does best when planted in sandy loam soils. This is because such type of soils has got some excellent drainage that prevents water logging. The basic soil level should be between 6 to 8.

Propagation is the best criteria to get the seedlings. If you decide that you what the real seeds, you will have to wait for long. Seed take long to prepare them for planting with some taking more than five months. The best way is to use stem cutting from the existing plants. These stems should not have flower buds. They are fast planted in a well prepared sterile plot for some time before being transported to the main farm.

Do not assume watering the plants just because it is highlighted that they do best in dry areas. They need watering but must be in regulated amounts. The younger seedling can be watered maybe twice a week, when they are mature you can increase watering to three times, but after the buds are formed, you have to reduce watering frequency.

Harvesting is a simple task done using scissors. The stems are cut just below that first leaf. Make sure that when harvesting, the flower buds are half opened. This gives the flowers some fresh look in the market. Morning is the best harvesting time when the flower oil is concentrated.

In conclusion, you should know how to preserve and prepare the harvest before selling. After the bundles are made, they can be dried in a cool and well-aerated place. This prepares the harvest for the wholesale or open farmers market. Make sure you understand the preservation methods to avoid loses.

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