Smart Ideas For Cheap Funerals Charlotte NC Funeral Directors Won't Tell You About

By William Baker

There are certain individuals who find the idea of spending thousands of dollars on a funeral a waste of money. The reason might be financial, environmental or philosophical, but whatever the reason, they object to the tradition. For these folks the cheap funerals Charlotte NC funeral directors don't mention are the ones that appeal to them.

If you decide to use a funeral home, you should at least make sure you are getting value for the money. Most towns have multiple funeral homes. You might give several a call and ask each for an itemized list of products and service packages. That way you can comparison shop. Most funeral homes offer direct burial if you ask. This eliminates embalming and visitation. The burial is performed quickly.

You can opt for cremation. This service will significantly reduce the cost of burying you. You can request no formal service or have your ashes scattered in a place that has special significance for you. You must make sure that it's a place where scattering is legally allowed. You can even provide your own urn. That way you won't be paying a funeral home for something you don't need. About half of Americans choose to be cremated.

In most states it's perfectly legal to be buried on your property. You could have the whole service at home, like people used to do, if you want to. Years ago family members dressed the body, sat with it until time for the service, and conducted the ceremony in the front parlor. The coffin was built by the men in the family. This old ritual has a comforting quality about it modern services sometimes miss.

If you want a formal service, it doesn't have to done at a funeral home. At one time many funerals were conducted in churches. This is still true in some communities. If you're spiritual, and this idea appeals to you, you'll save the money the funeral home would have charged you for holding the service there. The pastor will have to be paid, but that fee is usually nominal.

If you are healthy when you die, your body might qualify as a donation to medical science. If helping the advancement of medicine is of interest to you, you can contact the agencies that handle these procedures. They are easy to find online. Your family has to understand that they can't profit from this choice. There are federal laws against the purchase of human bodies.

If you're environmentalist you should consider going green. This is a growing trend. You may have trouble finding a cemetery that will accept a shrouded body. There are only a few natural burial grounds in the country. If the idea of toxic chemicals and a steel casket being buried in the ground bothers you, you should consider eliminating the embalming and going with a wicker casket or urn.

You can have a cheap funeral without being a cheap person. It's a practical way to exit the world. Spending a lot of money on a party they can't actively attend seems like a waste to many.

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