The Process Of How To Trap A Mole

By Ronald Meyer

Homeowners understand the mess that moles usually bring with them when they invade. Most people usually do not know what to do. Once moles invade, somehow the advice from anyone including websites, friends, and neighbors become worth considering and trying. However, many do not understand that most of the advice given regarding how to remove moles never work. In fact, they can strengthen the invasion. Here is how to trap a mole.

Most people end up wasting money on methods that achieve very little to no results. Leaving a mole invasion unattended usually causes them to drill more tunnels into neighboring properties and becoming a neighborhood problem. Dealing with such a widespread problem can be much harder. For the record, trapping is the only most effective method of dealing with an invasion of this type.

The first step one should take when faced with such a problem is trying to know much about the animals. Carrying out some research would indicate that moles are not rodents as most individuals think. Actually, they are insectivorous animals and this means they feed only on ground invertebrates. Their diet comprises of grubs, millipedes, ants and insects or animals of that kind. However, their primary source of food is earthworms.

One has to inspect possible sources of food which might attract moles. This is a preventive as well as a curative measure. Eliminating or disturbing food sources can actively do away with these creatures. Even after getting rid of an invasion, one should always be ready for their return. What makes traps preferable is because they normally remain viable for use for a long time while chemicals can expire.

One can choose from the several traps available in the market although not all of them are effective and good. It is hard to follow some instructions that come with traps which makes the devices less effective. Various traps are effective to different individuals and situations. Therefore, a person should try various types or models until they find one that is effective for them.

Secondly, it is very difficult to identify the spot to set a trap. To be safe, one should take their time to study the biology and behavior of the moles on the property. Trial and error method also yields good results in the long term. When trapping, one should aim at tunnels that are permanent and deep because the mole uses these tunnels several times in a day.

To identify the most active tunnels, one should check for tunnels that are constantly reopened. Active tunnels also tend to follow a straight course for a significant distance. Usually, they connect two mounds of soil, or food sources. The main runway usually follows man-made boundaries such as foundations, walkways, and fence rows. Rambling tunnels are probes of some kind and get constructed very fast. Such tunnels may never be reused.

Invasions occur all times of the year. Although the most preferred time by moles is early fall and early spring. Also, this is the fittest time for trapping them. However, one should not wait until spring or fall if moles are becoming problematic.

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